Guess Who's Coming to Lunch?
As part of our vision for 2023-2027 we’ve all decided we want to be more connected with each other and hospitality is a great way to do it!
“Guess Who’s Coming to Lunch” is coming up on Sunday 11th of August.
This is an opportunity for people at each service to have a meal with others from their congregation in someone’s home.
Everyone nominates whether they can host a meal or if they’d like to attend a meal.
Host – Volunteer your home for others to attend. Tell us how many you are happy to have. We’ll get back to you with a list of who will be coming and what food they’ll bring with them.
Guest – Tell us how many. We’ll get back to you with where you’ll be going and what you need to bring.
How to get involved: Registrations have now closed. If you have registered you should have recieved a message from someone by Wednesday night with what you need to provide. And you will recieve a message Sunday morning with the address you are heading to if you are a guest. Please contact Emily if you have any questions or concerns.